Friday, December 4, 2009

Celebrate the season by checking out the holiday lighting display at GE's Nela Park

For me, the holiday season doesn't start at Thanksgiving.  Or on Black Friday.  The holidays start when General Electric holds its annual holiday lighting display at Nela Park. (1975 Noble Road, East Cleveland, OH 44112)

Every year the fine folks at General Electric put on an amazing holiday light display, featuring a replica of the White House's famous Christmas tree.  This year marks the 85th anniversary of the holiday light display.  Beginning tonight at dusk, portions of General Electric's Nela campus will feature an incredible amount of Christmas lights. Some years the display is better than others, but it's definitely worth a look. (my mother has worked at GE since the beginning of time, so I think I've seen nearly every display in my 28 years on this planet) You can view the display by driving past Nela Park, located on Noble Road in East Cleveland.  (just be sure to lock your doors if you're driving at night - it IS East Cleveland, after all)

All in all, this weekend looks to be holiday-tastic for me.  Besides checking out the lighting ceremony, I'm running in the Reindeer Run in Lakewood on Saturday.  (Please do your best anti-snow dance for me.) On Saturday night, I'm attending an ugly holiday sweater party.  (I don't care if Stuff White People Like says it's uncool.  I think it's totally fun.)  And then I hope to cap off the weekend with some holiday inspired gluttony.  (Melt, can you hear me calling?)

Do you have any holiday inspired plans this weekend?  I'd love to hear about them.

1 comment:

  1. YAY Nela Park! I am so glad someone else thinks it's as awesome as we do :)
