I'm in hardcore training mode for the Columbus Half Marathon, being held next month in Columbus, Ohio, so my adventurous eating and drinking has been curtailed a bit. But I have discovered a little bit of deliciousness in the form of an energy gel - Cliff Shot Mocha.
What's an energy gel you ask? Normally it's a packet filled with chemically, not-so-great tasting gel designed to help you run faster/have better endurance during long runs or races if eaten before or during an event. Unlike most other energy gels, the Cliff brand tries to use all natural ingredients. I ran in a 10K over the weekend and gave the Mocha flavor a shot. I was a little concerned because it contains caffeine and I wasn't sure how my body would react during my run. Maybe I just drink too much coffee on a regular basis, but I wasn't able to feel the effects of the caffeine, but I was able to taste how surprisingly delicious the gel was. I was expecting to have to choke it down, but it tasted a lot like hot fudge with a thicker texture. (Think hot fudge that's been sitting in a warmer at an ice cream store for too long - a little thicker than normal but still good.) I'm a big fan of anything that tastes like real chocolate (not carob - blech), so I had high hopes for this gel.
This was my first 10K race in quite some time, but I felt good during the entire race. I didn't feel tired or achy. Maybe it was all mental, but I think the gel helped. It might be my go-to for all my upcoming races. I mean, I did manage to win a trophy in this race. (My first non-academic trophy, BTW.)
What's an energy gel you ask? Normally it's a packet filled with chemically, not-so-great tasting gel designed to help you run faster/have better endurance during long runs or races if eaten before or during an event. Unlike most other energy gels, the Cliff brand tries to use all natural ingredients. I ran in a 10K over the weekend and gave the Mocha flavor a shot. I was a little concerned because it contains caffeine and I wasn't sure how my body would react during my run. Maybe I just drink too much coffee on a regular basis, but I wasn't able to feel the effects of the caffeine, but I was able to taste how surprisingly delicious the gel was. I was expecting to have to choke it down, but it tasted a lot like hot fudge with a thicker texture. (Think hot fudge that's been sitting in a warmer at an ice cream store for too long - a little thicker than normal but still good.) I'm a big fan of anything that tastes like real chocolate (not carob - blech), so I had high hopes for this gel.
This was my first 10K race in quite some time, but I felt good during the entire race. I didn't feel tired or achy. Maybe it was all mental, but I think the gel helped. It might be my go-to for all my upcoming races. I mean, I did manage to win a trophy in this race. (My first non-academic trophy, BTW.)
Nice job this weekend! I ran the Cleveland Heroes Run in West Park this past weekend and it was a great race. However, once you go down in the Metroparks, you forget you have to come back up. The hill coming back up onto Rocky River Drive was nuts! Anyways, I don't have any strategies for maintaining energy. My big thing is just to hydrate hydrate hydrate the night before. Obviously the morning of the race is important too, but for a half-marathon, you don't wanna have to use the facilities mid-race. I almost took a gel pack during the River Run, but decided not to. I am doing the Akron Half Marathon this weekend and may try a gel since it is a more challenging course than River Run. Anyways, good luck with your Columbus training! I commented recently about your trip to Treehugger's and I also post as JacketTennis or JacketTennisRyan in the Cleveland.com Food and Wine Forum. Happy running!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your advice! I get dehydrated pretty easily, so I might go the gel route during the race...we'll see, though. I don't want to have to stop unless I'm ready to keel over or something.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and commenting! I appreciate your insight!